- Share Your Story – Yibrihu Tsegaye -

with the passage of time her illness became debilitating and she was rendered unable to work

Yibrihu Tsegaye, a bedridden Parkinson’s patient, lives in public housing in Ethiopia, and used to sell tella, a traditional Ethiopian alcoholic drink, and injera, food made from Ethiopian teff grains, to earn her living. After developing Parkinson’s disease, living and working as she did before became difficult, and nearly impossible. 

It became more difficult for Tsegaye to work as she did before being diagnosed with Parkinson’s. With the passage of time her illness became debilitating and she was rendered entirely unable to work. 

At this time, her children offered support, and although her children’s love eased Tsegaye’s burden, their aid did not last nearly long enough. She lost all but one of her children not long after. Her lone living child was a diabetic patient and was also unable to work and earn money for them. All these circumstances forced Tsegaye to live below the poverty line. Getting a balanced diet, much less proper medication, was nearly impossible. 

Thanks to the free medications sent by the World Parkinson’s Program and support from the Parkinson’s Patients Support Organization-Ethiopia, Tsegaye received six months worth of Levodopa. Tsegaye is able to now better manage symptoms of the disease with the provided free medications. “I don’t [think] I [would be] able to buy and take my medicine if I [did] not [receive] this donation.

Support more individuals like Tsegaye in need of free medications. Donate to the World Parkinson’s Program today to make change happen.

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