GALA 2024

Relive the Highlights from Our Passport to Hope Gala 2024

Experience the unforgettable moments from our Gala 2024. Watch our summary video to see the inspiring speeches, heartwarming stories, and joyous celebrations that made this event special. If you couldn’t attend the event or would like to further support our mission, please consider making a donation through the link below.


Watch the Keynote Speeches from Our Passport to Hope Gala 2024

Experience the powerful and transformative talks from our esteemed keynote speakers at Gala 2024. These speeches are filled with insights, stories, and messages that will inspire and motivate you.

WPP Founder

Dr. Abdul Qayyum Rana

Dr. Abdul Qayyum Rana is the founder of World Parkinson’s Program as well as a world-renowned Canadian neurologist who specializes in Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders. He is an advocate for patients and caregivers, a philanthropist, a leader in health education, and a reformer. During his childhood, he noticed his grandmother had severe tremors and required constant care. It was only after her death and becoming a physician did, he realize his grandmother had Parkinson’s disease. This had a profound impact on him and pushed him to be the individual who he is today. He has won numerous awards and has been an invited speaker and has conducted seminars on Parkinson’s disease at international levels. He is also the author of several books and a series of educational brochures about Parkinson’s disease which have been translated in more than 20 languages and are used in more than 50 countries around the world.

Honorary Guest Speaker

Omotola Thomas

World Parkinson’s Program (WPP) has the pleasure of working with Omotola Thomas in African regions. Omotola had raised the funds for WPP with a goal of helping people with Parkinson’s access to free medications.

Omotola was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2016, at 35. She is currently serving as a board member for the World Parkinson Coalition; a patient advocate for IPDGC-Africa; a patient advisory group member for the Community for Research Involvement and Support for people with Parkinson’s (CRISP) at Kings Hospital; and as an ambassador for the 6th World Parkinson Congress. She is also a founding member of PD Avengers – an international group of advocates determined to end Parkinson’s.

Memorable Moments

Gala 2024 Highlights